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匹配条件: “ 陈方圆” ,找到相关结果约205976条。
The Value Implication of Guangzhou Red Culture Integrating into the Practice of College Education

喜华, 方圆, 黄海宁
Advances in Social Sciences (ASS) , 2021, DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2021.104143
Abstract: 广州红色文化蕴含着丰富的时代价值与精神内涵,拥有浓厚的红色文化底蕴,将其融入高校育人实践,具有重要的价值意蕴。首先,通过增强大学生的民族精神,激发其民族斗志,凝聚其民族力量,以培养其爱国主义精神;其次,以培育大学生社会主义核心价值观,培养其世界观、价值观和人生观,提升其文化自信的方式,促使地方红色革命精神的传承和发扬;再次,通过提高课程思政育人的感染力和说服力以及针对性和实效性,助力高校开展育人实践。
Guangzhou Red Culture contains rich values of the times and spiritual connotations, and has a strong red culture heritage. It is of great value to integrate it into the practice of college education. Firstly, college students’ patriotism can be cultivated by means of enhancing their national spirit, inspiring their national fighting spirit and condensing their national strength. Secondly, the inheritance and development of the local red revolutionary spirit can be promoted by the ways of cultivating college students’ core socialist values, their outlook on the world, values and life, as well as enhancing their cultural self-confidence. Thirdly, by improving the appeal, persuasiveness, pertinence and effectiveness of the ideological and political education of the curriculum, it helps universities and colleges to carry out education practice.
Practice of Establishing Multi-Source Heterogeneous Coding Mapping Relationship

谢芬, 王敏, 方圆
Hans Journal of Data Mining (HJDM) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/HJDM.2022.121009
Abstract: 在政务大数据中心的数据治理过程中,不同政务场景下,由于管理策略不同,业务过程对实体对象的相同属性信息的记录会有不同的数据编码结构,这就是政务数据多源融合过程中常见的一种难题。与常规方法不同,本文通过引入统计学的列联相关分析法,解决了不同业务场景的异构法人登记属性融合问题,建立了准确的映射关系。此实践将统计学方法应用到多源异构政务数据融合过程中,不仅快速、低成本的解决了实际问题,并且对于解决其他数据融合问题具有较高的参考价值。
In the data governance process of government big data center, under different government scenarios, due to different management strategies, the records of the same attribute information of entity objects in business processes will have different data coding structures, which is a common problem in the process of multi-source fusion of government data. Different from the conventional methods, this paper solves the problem of heterogeneous legal person registration attribute fusion in different business scenarios by introducing the statistical column correlation analysis method, and establishing an accurate mapping relationship. This practice applies statistical methods to the process of multi-source heterogeneous government data fusion, which not only solves practical problems quickly and at low cost, but also has the high reference value for solving other data fusion problems.
Research on Teaching Mode of Financial Management Specialty in Agricultural Colleges under the Background of “Course, Competition and Innovation Integration”

Advances in Education (AE) , 2022, DOI: 10.12677/AE.2022.124191
随着新经济、新技术、新业态的日新月异,大数据、人工智能等新科技的发展应用为商业运行带来了新挑战。基于“课赛创”协同培养的育人模式不仅适应“新文科 + 新农科”建设需要,更是新形势下经济社会发展对新财经人才培养的要求,是地方农业院校财务管理专业教育教学改革的新目标。
With the rapid development of the new economy, new technologies and new business forms, the development and application of new technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence have brought new challenges to business operation. The collaborative cultivation education mode based on the “course, competition and innovation” not only meets the construction needs of the “new liberal arts + new agricultural science”, but also meets the requirements of the economic and social development on the training of new financial and economic talents under the new situation, which is the new goal of the educational reform of financial management specialty in local agricultural colleges.
Asymptotic Distributions of Extremes of Complete and Incomplete Samples under Copulas Dependent

Advances in Applied Mathematics (AAM) , 2023, DOI: 10.12677/AAM.2023.1211476
Abstract: 在日常生活中,观察某一组数据时,各种偶然因素或不可避免的因素都会导致数据出现随机丢失。通过研究满足阿基米德Copula相依结构极值的联合分布,可以减少或避免极端事件发生时所带来的损失。本文研究了随机缺失情形下,随机序列满足阿基米德Copula相依结构时完全样本与非完全样本极值的联合渐近分布,并给出几种典型的示例来说明主要结论。这不仅在理论中具有重要意义,在实际生活中也具有一定的意义。
In daily life, when observing a certain set of data, various accidental or unavoidable factors will lead to random missing. By studying the joint distribution of the extreme values of the Archimedean Copula dependence structures, the losses caused by extreme events can be reduced or avoided. This paper studies the asymptotic distributions of extremes of complete and incomplete samples under random missing. Some examples are given to illustrate the main results. This is not only of great significance in theory, but also has certain significance in real life.
- , 2018,
Abstract: 荧光闪烁现象是指单个荧光生色团在稳定的激发光照射下,其荧光发射具有出乎意料的间歇性,即荧光强度在“亮态”和“暗态”之间随机、显著、频繁转换。这一现象首先在有机荧光分子、荧光蛋白和半导体量子点中被发现,随后的研究表明其在多种类型的荧光纳米材料中具有一定的普遍性。荧光闪烁现象极大地促进了人们对分子与半导体光物理过程的认识和理解,为荧光材料在生物传感与成像、光电器件等领域的深入应用带来了机遇和挑战。该文简要描述了荧光闪烁现象的主要特征和研究现状,系统介绍了其光物理机制。通过对几类典型材料荧光闪烁特性的综述,着重讨论了其在多个应用领域中的利与弊,并对今后的发展方向进行了展望
即时高压氧治疗对大鼠脑缺血后脑水肿及水通道蛋白4 表达的影响
- , 2014,
Abstract: 摘要: 目的观察即时高压氧治疗对缺血早期脑水肿形成的影响,并探讨其可能的机制。方法健康成年雄性清洁级Sprague-Dawley 大鼠18 只,随机分为假手术组(n=6)、对照组(n=6)和高压氧组(n=6)。对照组及高压氧组采用线栓法制备大鼠大脑中动脉阻塞(MCAO)模型,其中高压氧组在舱内升压时进行模型制备并予高压氧治疗60 min。各组均于术后6 h 行Longa 评分法评分,采用干湿比重法检测脑组织含水量,免疫组化SP 法观察水通道蛋白4 (AQP4)表达,应用图像分析系统进行半定量分析。结 果与对照组比较,高压氧组大鼠神经功能评分改善(P<0.05),缺血半球脑含水量减少(P<0.05),AQP4 表达量减少(P<0.05)。结论即时高压氧治疗可有效缓解脑缺血后症状,对脑水肿的发生有抑制作用;AQP4 表达减少可能是其机制之一
纺织学报 , 2013,
Abstract: 为考察胸部位移与舒适性之间的关系,设计一组实验。分别以裸体、穿着3/4文胸和穿着运动文胸状态于5km/h和10km/h的跑速在跑步机上跑步,用VICON运动学测量分析系统捕捉测试者各轴向上的胸部位移值,并要求测试者对各状态下的文胸舒适性进行主观评价。结果发现,跑速与胸部位移正相关;胸部位移与舒适感负相关,垂直轴向上的波幅是影响舒适性的主要因素;对比三种穿着状态,运动文胸能够限制胸部垂直方向上的位移,改善胸部舒适性。本文为文胸舒适性的客观评判提供了一种可行的方法。
江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版) , 2009,
Abstract: ?对2mmlf21铝合金薄板采用复合搅拌摩擦点焊进行焊接,测试不同旋转半径下焊接接头的抗剪力,分析点焊接头在剪切时的断裂途径及微观组织.研究结果表明:当其他参数不变时,点焊接头的断裂途径随旋转半径的不同而变化;在旋转半径r等于1mm时可得到表面光亮、成形美观的焊点,且接头的抗剪力达到最大值,为3.47kn.微观组织分析表明:复合搅拌摩擦点焊接头塑性环区和热机械影响区均发生了强烈的金属塑性流动,其中塑性环区的晶粒尺寸细小、组织致密.
中国中医药信息杂志 , 2013,
- , 2019, DOI: 10.12138/j.issn.1671-9638.20195168

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